Value of airmail 5 riyals stamps
Value of airmail 5 riyals stamps

value of airmail 5 riyals stamps

Icaria (Ikaria, Nicaria): Aegean Island captured by Greece from Turkey 1912, July: independent from Turkey and declared a free state, 1912, Oct. ICAO: United Nations inscription for International Civil Aviation Organization Ibros: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937 Ibiza y Formentera: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1936-37 Ibiza: local post, Spanish Civil War, Nationalist, 1937 starting in1999 with the franking indicia containing information that is encrypted to make each imprint a unique postage frank that cannot be duplicated IBIP: Information Based Indicia Program, printed designs indicating prepayment of postage, tested in the U.S. Ibi: local post, Spanish Civil War, Republican, 1937 Iberia: Iberian Peninsula Spain and Portugal Cohen, BEP employees initials, 1906-1928 Plate Finisher, Siderographer I B B: postmark indicting Industrial Building Branch, New York City used in late 1800s Balear: (Sp.) Islas Baleares, Balearic Islands pre-adhesive postmark, located in Mediterranean Sea I.B.: 1: West Irian, 1970 on stamps inscribed "Republik Indonesia." 2: Republik Indonesia. A.: Immigration Agent, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74 : early territorial postmark refers to Indiana, not Iowa Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Italy 4: Scott Catalogue prefix for Late Fee (Panama, Denmark, etc.). 3: Peruvian monetary unit symbol, started in 1985. 2: with eagle and United States of America: New York Custom House revenue seal.

value of airmail 5 riyals stamps


I: 1: precedes the European postal code on addresses in Italy, San Marino and Vatican City, such as I-39100 Bolzano, Italy.

Value of airmail 5 riyals stamps